Currently Enrolling Preschool Aged Children as Young as 12 Months!!
A Christian school that has been in the Bay Area for over 40 years.
Building a community of lifelong learners.

Currently Enrolling Preschool Aged Children as Young as 12 Months!!
Building a community of lifelong learners.
Welcome to FCH, Friendswood's premier educational child care facility, featuring programs for children 12 months through Kindergarten. A family owned, Christian school that has been honored to partner with parents in the Houston Bay Area for over 40 years.
Our goal is to provide students with a rich and diverse learning environment. Al
Welcome to FCH, Friendswood's premier educational child care facility, featuring programs for children 12 months through Kindergarten. A family owned, Christian school that has been honored to partner with parents in the Houston Bay Area for over 40 years.
Our goal is to provide students with a rich and diverse learning environment. Along with Montessori, we are a highly academic school. Our unparalleled teaching method help to launch students into the successful future they dream of. Our classrooms are designed to encourage the students to grow, learn, and enjoy learning each day. Our students learn critical science, math, reading, and writing concepts through hands-on and sensory oriented activities. We strive to keep our parents involved. Newsletters and daily reports encourage communication with our parents. We offer two parent/teacher conferences per year to celebrate your child's accomplishments. Friendswood Children's House believes that through respect and opportunity, your child will discover the love of learning for a lifetime!
More Information Coming Soon!!
Along with providing excellent care and early education to your child, it is also our goal to help him/her develop socially and emotionally. One way we work towards this goal is by teaching the children foundational Biblical principles and reinforcing them throughout their day. The children have an interactive devotional time daily and le
Along with providing excellent care and early education to your child, it is also our goal to help him/her develop socially and emotionally. One way we work towards this goal is by teaching the children foundational Biblical principles and reinforcing them throughout their day. The children have an interactive devotional time daily and learn a different story from the Bible every week. We pray before lunch, thanking God for providing us with what we have. Our PreK 4, Transition and Kindergarten classes also take the time to memorize Bible verses! As the children interact with their friends and teachers, they are reminded of the moral truths Jesus’ teachings to help them learn to encourage, share, and settle conflict. We believe that Jesus is our Savior and we love to share this truth with our students!!
We are writing to thank Friendswood Children's House staff for making our daughter's year a tremendous success! Being in the school business, we value education and understand it's importance as it sets the stage for student success and future learning. This year, Lucy has gone from singing the Alphabet song to understanding phonemic rules and sounding out letters to making words, then putting those words into proper text. We call it reading! We are so pleased at the progress she has made due to the consistent support given by all the staff at Friendswood Children's House. I remember vividly you saying that "children read at varying stages of life and we don't force it, but will encourage it as it develops." You certainly did just that and we are so very thankful. As we consider making the best decisions for our family in life, we are confident that Friendswood Children's House was the greatest decision we could have made for our Lucy. We are equally confident that her new knolwedge of letters, vocabulary, and numbers will provide the foundation for a very successful kindergarten year. We owe your staff greatly for the work you have done with our daughter. We relentlessly pray for our kids and then send our most valuable assets into the world; we are so pleased that we chose to send her to you.
With a heart of thanks,
Lee & Colette Whitlock
Assistant Principal
My experience with Friendswood Children's House far exceeded my expectations. When I was searching for a preschool to enroll my daughter into four years ago, I was simply looking for a safe, loving environment with an introduction to basic skills and socialization. Friendswood Children's House proved to be much more than that; it has also provided a solid foundation for my child's education. The curriculum included individualized instruction but also concentrated on independent learning. Upon entering the kindergarten program, my child was already reading due to her exposure at the Children's House preschool for the past three years. The kindergarten teacher adjusted her curriculum to meet the diverse needs of the individual members in the class and allowed students to excel at their own pace. I have also been very impressed with the science program that was included in the kindergarten curriculum. Not only were scientific concepts taught, but they were reinforced with experiments. Overall, I feel my child has been given a first class foundation for her continuing education in the public schools.
Kristen Fornfeist
Friendswood Children's House provides an excellent learning experience for children. There is immense dedication towards the mental and physical development of each child. More specifically, Friendswood Children's House provides age appropriate learning environments that enable young children to be successful. Furthermore, this positive learning environment is matched with quality service and professionalism by the staff. These two elements coupled together are the key ingredients that make this school a success. I have arrived at this conclusion based on personal experience having had one daughter attend for 3 years and another who is currently attending. Both as a parent and an educator, I can say I have been very pleased with the quality of education and the overall development of my own children.
J.T. Patton
Between the ages of 15 months and 3 years, your child's intelligence and social characteristics will be formed. This is also when your child desires to do things independently and will thrive through exploration. Research proves young children gain knowledge when provided an opportunity to explore their world and interact with their environment. It might look like just child's play, but early preschoolers are hard at work learning important physical skills as they gain muscle control, balance, and coordination. A language rich environment promotes speech and vocabulary. At this age our students also have opportunity to learn about shapes, colors, animals, and seasons- all of which can be reinforced through literature.
Three year olds are like sponges: they absorb new experiences. Because they are developmentally curious and gain knowledge through active involvement, our teachers develop lessons designed to encourage and excite the young learner. Classrooms are created to stimulate opportunity for children to learn, grow and develop their skills confidently. Preschool classrooms provide an opportunity to build language skills through imaginary play, finger plays, series through dramatic play and a print rich environment. Social growth is encouraged through shared and independent learning activities. Motor skills develop through games, music and movement, stringing, lacing, and creative art. Cognitive and math skills frow in through matching, classifying, sequencing events, identifying colors, shapes and size, rote counting, and much more. Our teachers also help develop life skills in the children through interactive play and biblical truths.
Friendswood Children's House has been creating life long learners for over 40 years. Our highly individualized Kindergarten curriculum with a modest student-teacher ratio provides children an opportunity to establish a strong foundation of academics, as well as social, emotional, physical and moral development. This approach encourages a child's independence, self-motivation, and decision-making skills.
In this class the students are taught how to be self-directed in the classroom. Our curriculum is Montessori based and enriched with traditional academics. This creates a balanced academic program for your child that goes beyond what is taught in a traditional public school classroom. The curriculum is also individualized so each student has the opportunity to meet his/her greatest potential.
Monday - Friday: 7:00am - 5:45pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed